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Why am I focusing on helping "Nice Guys?"

A year ago, I was being guided through a process related to my business and what we uncovered were these 2 archetypes that I am most aligned to work with. One was a female archetype and the other was a male archetype which was --- the "Nice Guy." Both archetypes need support with self abandoning behavior -- people pleasing, conflict avoidance, looking for value outside of themselves, and finding their voice.

Now I have been working with clients for 14 years. I had been working with men and women throughout the years, but mostly women. I had always felt comfortable working with men, unlike many female coach/healer friends I had.

It just had never occurred to me to focus my attention just on men.

I had more recently focused my messaging on the younger version of myself. And although I help people with things I've learned myself, I realized I was just not aligned with working with younger Janelle exactly. In fact, if I analyze that through the personality systems I use, I've never worked with that exact archetype.

I think most people make the assumption that that is the best fit, but what i realized in this session was that I magnetize and am aligned with working with "nice guys."

There are many "nice guy" coaches who are recovered "nice guys" and many men are a fit to work with them.

But here are some reasons why working with (and woman) me can be beneficial...

  1. Fresh Perspective: I can offer a unique perspective on women's thoughts, feelings, and experiences, helping you gain insights into how to better understand and communicate with women.

  2. Neutral Environment: I create neutral and safe space for my male clients to discuss their challenges without fear of judgment or competition. I naturally get men to open up and through opening up, they learn about themselves. There is no shame in authentic shares with me. There are not many spaces for men to explore in this way.

  3. Understanding Feminine Dynamics: I can help you navigate the complexities of female perspectives and dynamics, providing guidance on building healthy relationships based on respect and mutual understanding.

  4. Communication Insights: I have a deep understanding of authentic connection and I create space to actually practice new ways of communicating. I can help you learn how to create stronger connections with everyone in your life, not just women.

  5. Create Foundation: I have realized there is a huge need to build a strong foundation before bringing a client through my main program, so that's exactly what I do. I realized that without this type of solid foundation, people are less successful at creating big transformation.

  6. Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: I can help you out in an area that many "nice guys" struggle with and that is emotional connection and empathy. I can help you develop emotional intelligence and foster authentic connections.

  7. Including Humor: I did start doing stand-up comedy last year! :) This work can be intense, so we need to learn to laugh at life and ourselves. I include humor in what I do, (naturally, of course, otherwise that would be weird.)

  8. Challenging Biases: If you have any preconceived notions or biases about women, I can help challenge and reshape these beliefs, leading to more positive interactions.

  9. Building Confidence: Working with me can help you build confidence in your interactions with women, as you receive guidance and feedback from a female perspective.

  10. Personal Growth: I can guide the client in his personal growth journey, addressing self-esteem issues, anxieties, and other factors that might contribute to his struggles.

  11. Holistic Approach: I offer a holistic approach to relationships, including emotional, intellectual, and spiritual aspects.

So if a "nice guy" in recovery may not be an inspiring avenue for you to transform into the sovereign man you were meant to be, then maybe I'm your girl! (Yeah, I'm still open to being called "girl.")

But there are a few more things you should know...

  1. Take Off your Mask: Once I dated this guy and he said I have a real, "take off your mask" vibe. I think that's a perfect way of describing me. So you should know that you have to be ready to take off your mask because that's what will happen. (You should also know that not being ready is just an excuse to stay in the same place! But that's a different topic.)

  2. Going Deep: Look, there is a ton of superficial dating advice out there and that's just not what I'm up to. Most relationship coaches are just repeating what everyone else has already said. They are spouting off rules to follow, etc. That's not how I roll. You are a unique creature and I'm here to learn about your uniqueness and support you specifically in that way. We are going to go to the core, not treat the symptom.

  3. No wasting time: Let's not fuck around. You either want to make big changes or not. Yes, you can have fear, and you will have fear. We don't want that fear to hold you back or slow you down. I have created experiences to move you forward on your path in the most productive way possible.

So there you have it. By this time you are either a "Hell yes" to the Janelle experience or you are a "hello no." I tend to have that effect on people.

If you are "hell yes" -- then set up a free call with me and we can get you started on creating a solid foundation in your life to thrive.


Janelle Klander


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